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Respira is a hydroponic smart garden that purifies the air in your home using the science of biofiltration. The pre-filter first captures dust & large particles, then air is pulled into the roots of the plants, where a build-up of microbiome permanently destroys volatile organic compounds and airborne toxins.
How did we help them build their brand?
Our dedicated team collaborated closely with RESPIRA to create an impactful series of four videos for their groundbreaking Kickstarter campaign. These videos played a pivotal role in rapidly boosting their brand visibility and establishing unparalleled credibility, ultimately propelling them to surpass their fundraising goal by an astounding 743%—raising over $240,000 CAD.
Precision in Production
Our production process commenced with in-depth brainstorming sessions with the RESPIRA team, where we collectively developed innovative ideas and determined the optimal number of shoot days required for this project. Spanning across Toronto and Guelph, we meticulously executed the shoot over a span of five intensive days.Despite the challenging nature of the production, we worked tirelessly to ensure the timely completion of shooting and editing, enabling RESPIRA to achieve their goal of launching on Kickstarter on a specific, pre-defined date
In-Depth Collaboration
Our production journey with the RESPIRA team commenced with extensive brainstorming sessions. Together, we cultivated innovative ideas and strategically determined the optimal number of shoot days required for the project. This collaborative approach laid the foundation for a seamless and impactful production process.
Timely Completion for Kickstarter Launch
Despite the inherent challenges of the production, our dedicated team worked tirelessly to ensure the timely completion of both shooting and editing phases. This commitment enabled RESPIRA to achieve its goal of launching on Kickstarter on a specific, pre-defined date, showcasing our dedication to precision and efficiency.
Meticulous Execution
Spanning across the vibrant landscapes of Toronto and Guelph, our team meticulously executed the shoot over an intensive five-day period. Every detail was carefully considered, ensuring that each frame captured the essence of RESPIRA’s vision and purpose.
Video 2
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Video 3
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Video 4
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Behind The Scenes
Unity in Action
Let's Work Together!
Fostering synergy and achieving greatness through collaborative efforts – Let’s work together to turn visions into reality.